Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sorry: [How To get SC] -New Video-

Sorry guys that i haven't come and post some things.. i just needed to thing of ideas and stuff..

 But guess what? Wanna know how to get LOT of SC? Okay First create other account spend lot of time playing it and make your person level up :). Then let your Movie star watch your movie love you looks and art books  Then will get lot of money and also you can also watch Short Movies! (SM) Okay! Almost forgot y`all. Mybeau  have been diagnosed with pancreatic! Please wish her luck! Please!

Yeah Mybeau have been so good and awesome to moviestarplanet.. I don't want her to leave :(( Please pray and leave her name in your prayers!I made a new video Today... Here Hope you like it! I also got these pink cute glasses :) 

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