Sunday, March 24, 2013

Great News: VIP For All


Great news, i just email moviestarplanet about adding a new level since pump and them are one level 25. Hopefully they will answer back.. they also said that they are too many people ask then to update new stuff and stuff.. Also movie stars want the old moviestarplanet back.. i agree it was better, greater and FUNNER. 

I`m also gonna ask then to give up movie stars that don't 

have VIP to give us a day of VIP :) so that would be great! i`m will answer you guys back about those things OK! Perfect!Here`s a popular video on moviestarplanet about bringing back the old msp!

Pretty soon i`ll make a video about this blog so it will get more popular and i`l start adding more stuff too =) . (Watch the Video Full screen} See Ya =)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jersey Sorority!

Jersey Sorority? 

Jersey is a role model on Msp! I Think she and jojo are a good role model. I don't know about pump... but is so ratchet not in a mean way but i don't like... she always wants everyone and blocked us like we nothing to her >.<.

Jerserhotmess... See is a good role model! she inspired me to be me not what people want me to be! Let me tell you a story. Everyday i come  home crying cause of people bulling me tell me i`m too good for them. At home i get bullied by my own SISTER because she think i`m better then her and the true is she better then me, she get everything she want and she only 18. My brother get ever thing they want but not me. They yell at me and tell me to grow up. But they need to grow up themselves  They only person i have that understand me is my dairy! What i`m saying is BE HOW YOU MEANT TO BE and be PROUD OF IT.GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY. Don`t Let bullied LET YOU DOWN IN THE MUD. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF if that means getting slap by someone. JUST DO IT!

Jerseyhotmess is an MSP Hero! If you had a chance of being her Sorority.. you should! she will teach you thing you don't even know yourselves! 

Here are some pic!

Monday, March 18, 2013

This Week Free Account

This Week Free Account:

USA Account
1:username: SuperNova girl
password: Password 3
level: Level 2 half way to level 3

2:username: iluvemoviestarplanet
password: password2
level: 2 ALMOST 3 216 fame left

3: username:Missy May4
password: flowers2
level: 2 almost 3 996 fames left

BTW when you get the Accounts please change the Email, just so you know those emails are not really my email and the password too!. Here is how you change it...
Comment if you got it!

They DON`T WORK! -click-

They don't work..

what don't work you ask?

Diamonds, Star-coins, level up scams..


Those thing just give your verse to your computer, you mom and dad will get angry with you and shut down you computer because of a   game!

I wouldn't let that happen allot of these thing don't work and to proof it i ask some of my friend if it work and these are their exactly answer 

Roxy2453: Oh Yeah they work
1Zoeykayla1: yea
hotemogirl98: well it depend! and no it don't give verse :)
kat ya know!: Well it works! and Yes it do give verse
 Everyone is wrong expet the people that say yes they work. I DARE you right now to download on of those things it wont work and BTW. you have to give surveys! GOOD LUCK |B

Here is a Video of me filing the thing

There have been several scams going around the internet concerning Diamonds, star-coins , membership and  level up.

These scams (often shown through a video),claim to award Moviestarplanet members with free Diamonds, Star-coins, membership  and Level up. The player is instructed to download a file to their computer which will then ‘magically’ allow them to add points to their account.

Not only this, but the files you are instructed to download can contain viruses or other elements that can harm your computer.For your safety and the well being of your (surely beloved) computers DO NOT DOWNLOAD THESE FILES. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Welcome: About


To Moviestarplanet Cheats and Tips!

Founder: Dianna741


This blog is about cheats and tip for!
In this blog i will help you with anything you need!
ex: Tip, Coins
I will also make free accounts for you! when i do it and you earn the account
i would like it if you change the email and of course the email will
be a fake one :)

Of Course every week we will upload something new! :)


See ya